research, development

Research & Development

Our Challenge is the Effectiveness of our Products

Treatment - Prevention – Productivity . . . The Main Focus of Our Products


We Research in the Name of Animals

Interpharma - Animal Health is constantly looking for the latest advances in modern science in the field of active ingredients, pharmaceutical forms and manufacturing techniques.
We always monitor current trends and always strive to develop our current product formulations. We are not satisfied with their success and obtaining a large market share, but we are always monitoring their results and developing them in order to reach the maximum productivity and the highest levels of safety.
In addition to our great interest in studying the market needs, we are working hard to find effective solutions away from chemicals and antibiotics.

Funding Scientific Research

We will be pleased to assist you in your research and experiments from the technical point of view and in making special samples to be tested. We may also fund the research of veterinarians and nutritionists. We will be glad to advise you on discovering new products.
Our research results are implemented directly: in developing new products, updating existing products and also modernizing production processes in order to achieve our main goal of creating innovative solutions in the framework of high quality.

Distributors Welcome
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